Migrations Initiative – Senior Specialist or Specialist

1800001210 Requisition #
Thanks for your interest in the Migrations Initiative – Senior Specialist or Specialist position. Unfortunately this position has been closed but you can search our 40 open jobs by clicking here.

Skills you’ll need:


Education: You hold a Master’s Degree in economics, business management, law, public policy and other relevant social sciences.


Experience: You have at least 5 years of validated professional experience in the origination, negotiation, administration and evaluation of economic and social development projects with multilateral development organizations preferably at in multilateral development banks, or LAC governments, will also be valued. Your experience in the technical design and implementation of policy dialogues and generation of regional projects to generate public goods is desired.


Languages:  You are proficient in written and oral in English and Spanish. Additional fluency in Portuguese is desired.


Link to Technical Competencies (← please Ctrl + Click)


Link to Core Competencies (← please Ctrl + Click)


Opportunity Summary: 


Type of contract: Fixed-term


Length of contract: 3 years


Location: Washington D.C.

Requirements: You must be a citizen of one of the IDB’s 48 member countries and have no family members currently working at the IDB Group.


Our culture: Working with us you will be surrounded by a diverse group of people who have years of experience in all types of development fields, including transportation, health, gender and diversity, communications and much more.


About us: At the Inter-American Development Bank, we’re devoted to improving lives. Since 1959, we’ve been a leading source of long-term financing for economic, social, and institutional development in Latin America and the Caribbean. We do more than lending though. We partner with our 48-member countries to provide Latin America and the Caribbean with cutting-edge research about relevant development issues, policy advice to inform their decisions, and technical assistance to improve on the planning and execution of projects. For this, we need people who not only have the right skills, but also are passionate about improving lives. 



The IDB offers a competitive remuneration and benefits package.


The IDB is committed to diversity and inclusion and to providing equal opportunities in employment. We embrace diversity on the basis of gender, age, education, national origin, ethnic origin, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion, and HIV/AIDs status. We encourage women, Afro-descendants and persons of indigenous origins to apply. 

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